Kid’s Ministry

At Melton Presbyterian Church we strongly value the gift of children and welcome them to be a part of the church. We recognise that it takes a community to raise a child and so to this end we partner with the parents to aid them in teaching their children about the greatness of Jesus. We do this primarily through our Sunday school that runs just during the adult’s sermon time and teaches the children the wonders of God at an age appropriate level.

Sunday school is appropriate for children 3 years old until the end of grade 6. Children who are younger than this are free to use the cry room with their parents (there is an audio hook up so you will be able to hear the sermon).

Children year 7 and above are encouraged to sit with their parents during the sermon time and fill in the provided sermon note pad folder to help them engage with the sermon. The minister preaches in a way that children in the later years of primary school and above should be able to understand the main point of the sermon.

Of course, if you would like your children, whatever age, to stay with you for the entire service you are also more than welcome.

The children will be brought back into the service after the sermon to witness the Lord’s Supper which we celebrate monthly. Other Sunday’s, they can be signed out and collected from the adjacent Sunday School room at the conclusion of the service.

We value your child’s safety at all times. During the Sunday school time, the children will always be supervised by two or more adults with at least one being female. All teachers are regulars at the church, have been chosen and approved by the elders of the church, have completed numerous background and reference checks (including working with children checks) and have completed the Safe Church training and been approved by the Safe Church Unit of the Presbyterian Church of Victoria.

The children will need to be taken to the toilet by their parents before Sunday school as the teachers are not permitted to take them at all. When you sign your child in, you can leave your mobile phone number to be called/texted during the service so you can come and take your child to the toilet as needed.

Contact the session clark in Contact Details for more information.